02 May, 2013

What's in a move?

Well, plenty, especially if listening to those who surround you.  A move is quite simply, a move.  There are those who believe that moving children is cruel and unusual punishment - I have to say some of the most interesting and sociable people I have ever met were those who moved as a child! Moving forces you out of your "comfort" zone, in order to succeed you must try to engage others and create a new network of friends.

We have moved quite a bit, usually every 4 years or so.  At times it has been job related, due to family illness or even the thrill of adventure.  A move can be very exciting, particularly when you choose it.  What will it be like there?  What will our new house be like? The key is all in the preparation - I never would have gotten this had it not been for Molly and seeing a potential move through her eyes.  First we addressed the initial "What's in it for me?" and all of the wonderful things that can come from a move.  Friends and family will come and visit of course, the benefit being that when you live far away they stay with you, which in turn can lead to closer relationships.  A Grandparent/Aunt/Uncle/Godparent gets to spend 24/7 with the family - sure beats a few visits a year for a couple of hours each!  Friends can also fly in - although most of our summer is booked with camp, breaks are excellent times to reconnect.  Being "plugged in" also has its advantages - FaceTime, Facebook, texting, email, YouTube - all of it presenting the web and keeping all of us interconnected. Being an experienced parent also helps - knowing your child's likes/talents/abilities etc.  With everyone so connected all one has to do is ask, and in the blink of an eye information is provided to you regarding everything your child loves, be it horseback riding, baseball, cheering, swimming programs, hockey, basketball, football etc. The transition becomes almost seamless enrolling your children before you even move - instant peer relations and hopefully friends along with the continuation of a preset routine.

I remember years ago hearing my Auntie Jane commenting about the "magnets" some families have in their rears - not allowing them to travel and live more than 5 miles from where they grew up.  I can't imagine what that would be like.  I think back to all of the people I have met and the friends that we have made over the years knowing that none of it would have been possible had we been afraid or closed-minded to the idea of moving.  There are so many amazing and wonderful people and places out there to experience - each presenting its own uniqueness and the feeling of "home".  Do I love where I live now? I can honestly say I do.  Are there things I would change? Absolutely (In the winter it is REALLY FREAKIN' COLD!!).  Would I move again you ask?  We are actually getting ready to move now.  At the end of June we will be packing up and moving, most likely within same town.  Would my family and I be up for a BIG move? Only time will tell...

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