25 May, 2012

Who am I?

When I decided to start this blog, I felt it important to address the feelings and issues that arise with everyone within our family - not just our Aspie. So let's begin with ME.

Who am I?  I seem to have gotten lost in the shuffle and lately that fact has been extremely disturbing.  I have fallen into that black hole of caring for everyone else and not taking any time for myself.  I have volunteered for everything under the sun involving the kids.  I am in the process of handing over the keys to all of those activities and have begun to say NO for next year when asked.  I must admit, it feels good (guilty, but good) to say no.  All of the time that I have been putting into making everyone else's life better can now be spent making my own life (translation: my family's life) better.  Sound selfish?  Maybe it is, but it is certainly time.  Once upon a time I was grateful to take the time to work on myself - especially physically.  I was in relatively good shape, golfing, spinning and strength training several times a week.  I was in a good place, physically and emotionally.

Somewhere along the way, whether due to the fact that we have moved several times or just the fact that life goes on, I got lost.  I have sat and pondered my identity quite a bit lately, soul searching.  I just finished my masters degree and have diligently been looking for a job (to no avail).  My frustration level has been running high and I have been easily irritated.  I felt it was time to take a good look in the mirror.  Why did I let myself get lost?  What am I going to do to change this?  Time to get busy!

Time to get back to the gym.  Need to dust off those spinning shoes!  Yes, unfortunately with irregular exercise and a home based business that is a bakery I have gotten a bit squishy and added SEVERAL extra pounds to my body. There's a healthy, athletic, spiritual, dynamic person under here and I need to get her up and running and out of this neglectful rut.  The benefit?  While taking time for myself, Molly and I can take yoga classes together, lowering both of our stress levels :)

The gym is really just the first step of my upcoming metamorphosis.  Small steps..........

Take time for yourself.  Do not feel guilty about it.  A healthy, physically active mom is a GOOD mom, what better way to set an example for your kids than by living it?!  Get your hair done.  Have a massage. Go out to dinner with your husband/wife.  Read a good book.  Cook a great (healthy) meal.  Give back to yourself first and foremost, if you don't realize how important you are, why should anyone else?

I'm worth it.  It took me awhile to realize it once again, but I AM worth it and so are you!  Jump in and recommit to yourself - you are not alone & it is never too late to get moving!  Join me.